Charolais is one of the biggest goat’s cheeses: it weighs a generous 250 to 310 grams, is 7cm tall and has a mid-level diameter of at least 6cm. It is made from whole raw milk in an area with a radius of 60km around Charolles, where the landscape is characterised by significant permanent grasslands and bocage. Charolais was originally left to dry in traditional cheese cages called “tzézires” or “chazières”. Workers from surrounding towns would often buy cottage cheeses and keep the Charolais cheese themselves. The large size made it easier to store in these conditions. Charolais, which is made with goat’s milk retains its qualities very well when stored. It can be eaten without restraint or, if you want to consume with moderation, can be paired with ,white wine.
Goat’s milk -
2010 -
Key figures
21 Milk producers
14 Farmhouse producers
2 Production plants
1 Maturing plants
97 Tons marketed in 2020